Mama and More

It’s Nights Like These

Posted on: June 22, 2011


It’s nights like these that remind me of the miracle these two little ones are. When I am so proud of JJ – of his massive personality and a smile that matches it in size. He was so thrilled tonight that people clapped for him when he was on the stage. I am so in love with that little boy.

Nights like this remind me of the years that I spent wishing and praying for children. And that God’s blessings are not in our control. In fact, very little of life is under our control. A lesson I am currently learning again. There is nothing we can do to manipulate God into giving us what we want. That would make us God and God into a vending machine.

They remind me that God really is good, whether I feel like He is or not. To be thankful for what He’s given me.

That it’s ok to be mama. Yes – I wear so many other hats, but what I am called to be is mama to JJ and Miss K. And that’s ok. It’s good. I am content in this role. Much moreso than I used to be.

They remind me of the support we have – that we are part of a community who cares about us and will come out to watch my boy in a chaotic preschool concert and be happy to do it.

But most of all, nights like this prove to me that God is working behind the scenes. He is growing my little boy into someone who loves God, who loves to sing about his Jesus, and who had a heart for his friends.

I am blessed.

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  • kat: wow! that look fantastic!
  • Sandi: That looks really good! It must leave you with a great feeling! Sandi (PAI)
  • kat: wow! you have a great space to work with! IT seems like a lot of room. can't wait to see the finished results!
